• September 13, 2022

Reporting Requirements for Minnesota Conservators

Reporting Requirements for Minnesota Conservators

Reporting Requirements for Minnesota Conservators 1024 682 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

Minnesota conservators are required by law to make certain reports throughout their service to the conservatorship in which they have been appointed. These reports can be annual, but they can also be required by the court at other times, including: 

  • After a notice or hearing 
  • Upon resignation or termination of their role as a conservator 
  • Upon termination of the conservatorship itself (this is known as a final reporting) 
  • Any other time as directed by the court 

This reporting can differ from the accounting that conservators must file according to MyMNConservator (MMC). The conservator account reporting is a detailed report of the conservatorship’s inventory and accounting, including financial information that is relevant to the conservatorship. 

The conservatorship accountings must contain: 

  • A listing of the assets of the estate under the conservator’s control 
  • A listing of the receipts, disbursements, and distributions during the reporting period 
  • An address or post office box for contacting the conservator 
  • A phone number for contacting the conservator 

Instead, these reports as required by the court detail changes or updates to the conservatorship. The full statute that dictates these conservatorship reporting requirements can be found on the MN Courts website under 524.5-420 REPORTS; APPOINTMENT OF VISITOR; MONITORING; COURT ORDERS. 

The Requirements of the Reporting

All conservators must report to the court in writing within 30 days of the occurrence of certain events. These events can include (case numbers of court locations must be provided when applicable): 

  • The conservator is removed 
  • The conservator is found civilly for fraud, misrepresentation, material omission, misappropriation, theft, or conversion 
  • The conservator files for bankruptcy 
  • The conservator has a professional license from an agency removed, denied, revoked, etc. 
  • A civil monetary judgment against the conservator has been made 
  • The conservator has been convicted of a crime (other than a other than a petty misdemeanor or traffic offense) 
  • The conservator has had an order of protection or restraining order placed against them 

If you are the conservator and any of these things has happened to you, you must comply with the reporting requirements, or you may be removed from the conservatorship. These rules and requirements can also be applied to guardianships in Minnesota. 

If any of the above has happened to you, it’s advisable to seek help from an attorney for advice.  

Disclaimer: this is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. If you need legal counsel, please contact an attorney directly. 


If you are just starting out in a conservatorship, you will likely need a surety bond before you can be appointed. If the court requires a bond from you, reach out to our surety agents today.