surety bonds

indemnity agreement
What is a Surety Bond Indemnity Agreement? 1024 768 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

What is a Surety Bond Indemnity Agreement?

Indemnities are a common basis for commercial insurance contracts and surety bonds, which is why anyone who is seeking either form of protection should familiarize themselves with the term and what it means in regards to the contract they are signing.  What is indemnity? In contracts, indemnity is a form…

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Minnesota Passes Law Protecting Seniors From Fraud 1024 767 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

Minnesota Passes Law Protecting Seniors From Fraud

Late in July, a new law passed by Minnesota lawmakers took effect that equips financial professionals with new tools and protections that help them protect senior citizens and other vulnerable adults from fraud. The law was proposed by the Minnesota Commerce Department and garnered the support from senior advocacy groups…

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law books
What You Need to Know About Supersedeas Bonds 1024 670 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

What You Need to Know About Supersedeas Bonds

A supersedeas bond is one of the most common appeals bonds regarding monetary judgements. A judge may choose to require a supersedeas bond when a party appeals a judgement (this may be a statutory requirement, based on the court rules in your state). These bonds act as a financial guarantee…

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posting cash for a bond
The Problems with Posting Collateral with the Court 1024 768 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

The Problems with Posting Collateral with the Court

When dealing with a dispute in court that involves a party’s assets or some type of judgment, a surety bond is typically required to safeguard the assets until the dispute is resolved, including any appeals that are made. Surety bonds are the most common type of safeguard because they offer…

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signing bond
Why Surety Bonds Are Important for Conservators and Guardians 1024 768 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

Why Surety Bonds Are Important for Conservators and Guardians

When appointing a conservator or guardian, most courts in most states will require a surety bond to be posted. Since many people aren’t familiar with how surety works, they often ask why a surety bond is necessary. Why Are Surety Bonds Required? Surety bonds act as a type of insurance…

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surety bond fraud alert
Prevent Surety Fraud by Verifying Your Bonds 1024 723 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

Prevent Surety Fraud by Verifying Your Bonds

When you deal with surety bonds, fraud is always a possibility. While it’s rare to come across these cases, it still something that parties should safeguard themselves against. As with any type of insurance fraud, the cases can be large or small. The types of fraudulent activities can range from…

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The Importance of Working with a Court Approved Bond Company 1024 682 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

The Importance of Working with a Court Approved Bond Company

When it comes to obtaining court bonds, it is essential to find and work with a court-approved bond company. It may come as a surprise to many that not all surety bond companies are approved by state and federal courts. There is a general list of federally approved sureties that…

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What’s the Difference Between a Bail Bond and a Surety Bond? 1024 576 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

What’s the Difference Between a Bail Bond and a Surety Bond?

Bail bonds and surety bonds are inherently different, and a person looking for a bail bond is seeking a very different outcome than someone looking for the protection that surety provides. At The Patrick J. Thomas Agency, we help businesses and attorneys acquire surety bonds that act as a special…

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Changes to the Surety Bond Requirements for Cosmetology Schools 1024 580 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

Changes to the Surety Bond Requirements for Cosmetology Schools

Changes related to the Board of Cosmetologist Examiners were made during the 2017 Minnesota legislative session. All owners, employees and attorneys should make note of these new laws and requirements, which may have an effect on cosmetology licensing, schools, eyelash extension service providers and the public. A New Law Governing…

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stress with surety bonds
Reducing the Stress of Obtaining a Surety Bond 1024 683 Patrick J. Thomas Agency

Reducing the Stress of Obtaining a Surety Bond

Stress is the one part of the surety process that doesn’t have to be there. Obtaining a surety bond can be confusing, but by understanding what goes into the process can help clear up a few of the uncertainties that lead to stressful situations. Here are a few ways you…

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